
Recent Transactions

Juvenile Correctional Series 2020A

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A dividing wall was constructed within the existing dining room dividing the dining room into two areas to allow for separation of youth during meals and create additional program space. This project replaced end of life employee duress/alarm system. The deteriorated asphalt was removed and replaced from the facility service sally port connecting to the inner perimeter sidewalks, delivery dock areas and reception located at the back of the school. LED lights were installed on all exterior light poles within the facility perimeter and facility parking lot to increase visibility after dark. Replacement of deteriorating and undersized sidewalks to accommodate population movement from new housing units to the service program buildings.  Concrete was also added to adjacent youth visitation area to accommodate outdoor youth and family visitation.  The installation of crash grates within the high school increased the control of youth movement within the school by dividing the hallways.  The gates decreased the number of youths involved in incidents within the school.